Supercollider International Night

Supercollider International Night
May 02

Supercollider International Night

Supercollider brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, artists and creatives of all types for lively discussion and partnerships 💥 Like an actual Supercollider, we help our participants accelerate their creative projects and collide with others who can help them succeed. This month's meetup we'll reach out to the international community and to the International heritage is each Austinite. We'll have badges with flags to indicate the languages you speak or the origin of your ancestors. If you are a founder, come to find partners to build your team and funding. If you are an investor, come to find the best early phase startups before others sign them. If you are a student, come to find an internship or line up a great job for graduation. If you are an artist, come to find partners to work with and benefactors to support you. If you are new in town, or just looking to expand your circle of interesting friends, then Supercollider is the place for you. We meet on the first Thursday of each month from 5:30-8:30 pm in venues such as the beautifully renovated Maggie Mae’s on 6tyh Street. Come to meet, chat, make friends. See live music or comedy after our events. We generally provide food and drinks to those who come early with the help of our sponsors. Note from the Founder While traveling in Buenos Aires in January, I came across huge meetups for the International community where people practiced languages skills but English was the fall back for all. Another type of meetup that drew big groups were speed-friending nights. We took a vote at the last meetup and about 80% of the hands went up for International Night. Best, Marc More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: For FREE Adminssion: Rsvp/Get Tickets
where: Maggie Mae's, 323 East 6th Street, Austin, TX 78701 map
when: May 2 @ 5:30pm - 8:30pm
price: Free



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