How do museums preserve, conserve, display, and curate 18th-century fashion? How do they build a collection when acquiring these garments is increasingly prohibitive? In addition to these universal questions, the 18th-century costume collection of the Galliera has a unique history. About half of the collection was given by the Société de l’Histoire du Costume (S.H.C), an earlier organization founded to create a “Musée du costume”. The S.H.C counted 16 painters among its founders, and the donated garments had been used extensively as wardrobe props in their studios. This provenance raises thrilling issues of conservation, identification, and publication. Join us for an insightful conversation on Friday, April 5 at 11AM as the Robert and Penny Fox Historic Costume Collection at Drexel University hosts Pascale Gorguet Ballesteros to explore 18th-century Fashion at Palais Galliera Fashion Museum of Paris. Pascale Gorguet Ballesteros is General Curator in Heritage, Palais Galliera, musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris, and teacher and researcher associated to UFR of History of Art and Archeology, Sorbonne University and Centre André Chastel. More Info below.