So, spades anyone? We are going to try and do this every week. Bring yourself, bring some friends, bring a couple sets of fancy cards you don't mind us playing with if you'd like to flex (we will have cards,) and lets get this going! You do not have to buy anything from Jax, but since they are kind enough to let us use their space, it is highly encouraged. Please come early if you are eating, but if you decide to eat after 7:00, it is no big deal. Just take a break, or if your food isn't messy, and you can play around it, that is fine. We just want to make sure we are starting close to 7:00, and we're getting a good amount of play time in without delays. Depending on the amount of people, there may be one or a couple tables playing. The more the merrier! See you all there. More Info below.