Tap into the power of whimsy and creativity in Improv Your Life24-7's class 'Fun & Games: An Introduction to Improv.' Join us for a laughter-filled journey where you'll discover the magic of improvisational theater. This class isn't just about making people laugh on stage; it's about enhancing your everyday life by embracing the principles of improv. Learn to think on your feet, boost your confidence, and embrace the unexpected with a supportive community of fellow adventurers. No experience required – just bring an open mind, a willingness to play, and get ready to improv(e) your life! This will be a 3 week course brought to you by: ImprovYourLife24-7.com and hosted by Colonial School District Adult Evening School. Please Register Below **This info will be used to hold your spot for the class.** It is not proof of payment for the class. To attend this class you must visit the school's registration page here to pay: Register Here More Info below.