We're going to try and do a paintball day on Sunday March 3rd, RSVP and come along if you're interested it's really fun! It'll be at AZ BattleZone which is where we went last time as it's fairly central/easy to get to: [hidden] The plan is to get there at 9 and do private games with just us between 10-12 and then join with the public games from 12-3pm when it closes. Feel free to bring food and drinks (no alcohol) as they don't serve food there. It costs $50 each which includes all the gear, 200 paintballs and all day admission. Maybe add $10-20 for more paintballs if you shoot a lot! Would recommend bulk purchasing that with others on the day and just splitting it (500 is $20, 2000 is $45). Groupons won't work with this as we have to get the private tickets which includes our own ref. Will need to make sure there's enough demand and I'll make a big group reservation and then people can zelle/venmo to secure a slot. Once we've hit the minimum (20 people) everyone else can purchase tickets on the day. More Info below.